Where Are Mineral Oils Used and How to Select Them?

2. rujna 2024.

In modern industry and manufacturing processes, mineral oils play a vital role. With a wide range of applications across nearly all industries, including energy, automotive, manufacturing, and even food production, it is essential to select mineral oils according to their intended use, apply them correctly, and store them under ideal conditions. In this article, we provide a comprehensive guide covering the applications of mineral oils, their expiration dates, storage conditions, and key considerations when selecting them.

What Are Mineral Oils and Where Are They Used?

Mineral oils are liquid oils, typically derived from petroleum-based raw materials, that are widely used in automotive and industrial applications. These oils are indispensable for various purposes such as lubricating mechanical components, cleaning, preventing corrosion, and cooling. They help components operate more efficiently and extend their lifespan. Mineral oils are produced from two main component groups: base oils and additives. In this context, the base oil is the primary building block of the mineral oil, while additives are used to enhance other properties such as durability, heat resistance, and viscosity, which directly affect the oil's performance based on its intended use.

In What Areas and for What Purposes Are Mineral Oils Used?

There are many correct answers to the question of where mineral oils are used. As previously mentioned, mineral oils can be used for a variety of purposes, from cooling to corrosion prevention. The most common areas and purposes of their use are as follows:

Automotive Industry: In the automotive industry, mineral oils are of great importance as essential products. They are used in various forms, including engine oils, differential oils, hydraulic fluids, and transmission oils. Engine oils reduce friction between engine parts, differential oils minimize friction in differentials and prevent wear, transmission oils ensure the proper shifting of gears in the system, and hydraulic fluids support the safe operation of the vehicle’s braking system. As evident from their uses, mineral oils not only help extend the lifespan of vehicles and systems but also contribute to the safer operation of the vehicle.

Industrial Applications: The use of mineral oils in industrial applications is not much different from their use in vehicles. They are used to enhance the efficiency of components in structures such as gears and gearboxes, compressors, and hydraulic systems, preventing overheating and wear.

Energy Production: In power plants, there are many components that perform rotational movements, such as generators and turbines. Mineral oils are essential in the energy production field to ensure these components operate correctly and at optimal efficiency, preventing wear and overheating.

Food Industry: In food processing machinery, food-grade mineral oils are used due to the possibility of contact with food. These oils, used for purposes such as cooling, wear prevention, and increasing efficiency, are formulated to prevent contamination of food products even if they come into contact with them.

How Many Types of Mineral Oils Are There?

A single formula is not suitable for all components performing similar or the same functions in mineral oils. Mineral oils produced with different formulas for various purposes and applications can be categorized into several groups based on their formulations:

Mineral Oils: These are obtained by refining crude oil and consist of naturally occurring hydrocarbons. They are generally less expensive compared to other mineral oils and may have lower temperature and pressure resistance.

Synthetic Oils: These oils are produced through chemical synthesis with molecular structures designed in a controlled laboratory environment. They offer high resistance to temperature, oxidation, and wear, and provide better fluidity.

Semi-Synthetic Oils: These are obtained by mixing mineral oils with synthetic oils. They provide higher performance than mineral oils while having a lower cost compared to synthetic oils.

Vegetable Oils: Derived from plants, these oils contain natural fatty acids. They are environmentally friendly due to their biological degradability, but their resistance to temperature and pressure is limited.

Biodegradable Oils: Usually plant-based and may include special additives. They are environmentally friendly as they reduce environmental risks and are often used in vehicles and areas close to natural resources.

Additive Oils: These are obtained by adding special additives to mineral, semi-synthetic, or synthetic base oils to enhance their performance.

Do Mineral Oils Have an Expiration Date?

Like other chemical products, mineral oils also have expiration dates. The expiration date indicates how long the oil will perform optimally from the date of production. Over time, the chemical composition of mineral oils may deteriorate. Generally, the shelf life of mineral oils is between 3 to 5 years. However, the shelf life can vary depending on the oil's application, chemical composition, and the additives it contains. Before using oils that have not been used for a long time within the expiration date, their odor, color, and fluidity characteristics should be checked. Oils showing signs of deterioration should not be used.

How Should Mineral Oils Be Stored?

Mineral oils should be stored under proper conditions to prevent deterioration and maintain their performance due to their chemical contents. Storage conditions may vary depending on the formulation of the mineral oil, but there are several key considerations:

Temperature: Mineral oils should be stored at temperatures between 10°C and 30°C. Exposure to extreme heat or cold can cause chemical degradation or freezing of the oil. If the oil has frozen, it should be brought to room temperature before use, and its fluidity, color, and odor should be checked.

Moisture and Air Exposure: Mineral oils should be stored in a dry and sealed environment. If the oil container is opened, it should be tightly closed to prevent air entry. Moisture and air exposure can increase the risk of oxidation, leading to oil deterioration.

Direct Sunlight: UV rays from the sun can degrade the components of the mineral oil or reduce the effectiveness of performance-enhancing additives. To maintain the chemical integrity and efficacy of the oil, it should be stored in a place away from direct sunlight.

Clean Environment: Containers of mineral oil should be kept free from contamination by water, dust, and dirt. Therefore, the storage environment should be kept clean. Additionally, storing barrels or large containers horizontally can minimize air exposure.

Reactive Substances: Mineral oils should be stored away from corrosive substances and materials that may react chemically with the oil, such as acids, bases, and solvents. It is also recommended to have a fire extinguisher available in the storage area.

What Should You Consider When Choosing Mineral Oil?

Selecting the right mineral oil is crucial as it significantly affects the efficiency, longevity, and performance of machines and equipment. Several key factors should be considered when choosing mineral oil, with the primary one being the application area.

The type of machinery and equipment where the mineral oil will be used is the most important criterion for selecting the right oil. Different machines and components may require different types of oils; for instance, oils used in food processing facilities must meet specific standards.

Additionally, the conditions the oil will be exposed to, such as temperature, pressure, and humidity, must be taken into account. As mentioned above, mineral oils with different chemical compositions perform differently under various conditions. Therefore, these factors should be considered to achieve optimal performance.

Often, the manufacturer of the machine, engine, or equipment you are using may recommend a specific brand or list the properties of the required mineral oil. In some cases, using a particular oil for certain equipment might be especially recommended. Hence, manufacturer recommendations are an important factor.

As can be seen, specific steps and precautions need to be taken from the selection to the storage conditions of mineral oil. To ensure the longevity of your equipment, reduce maintenance and repair costs, and achieve optimal performance, we recommend paying close attention to your mineral oil choice.

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